
Transaction Exporter Operations for different purposes.

Operation Types

We offer different purpose-driven operations like:

  • EVM transactions - Useful for fetching transactions on EVM-based C-Chain and Subnets.
  • Primary Network Transactions (Full) - Useful for fetching transactions on P, X, or C-Chain (only atomic on C).
  • Primary Network Transactions (Simple) - Same as above, with minimal details for easy comprehension.
  • Staking and Rewards Transactions - Useful for getting staking and reward transactions on P-Chain.

Primary Network Transactions

On the P and X chains, UTXOs are transferred in a transaction, unlike balance addition or deduction on EVM chains. So each transaction may have multiple DEBITs and CREDITs depending on the number of UTXOs involved. So the Primary Network operation types list these UTXOs instead of a single transaction.

Fund Transfer Type

  1. Credit and Debit - If a UTXO is created (output), then we call it a CREDIT to the UTXO owner's address. If a UTXO is spent (input), then we call it a DEBIT from the UTXO owner's address.
  2. Staked UTXOs - In staking transactions, when a UTXO is staked, although the UTXO is credited to the owner, the owner can't use the staked UTXO until the staking ends. To indicate this behavior, we label the staked UTXO as CREDIT_STAKING_SET.
  3. Atomic Credit and Debit - The cross-chain transaction is a 2-step process. The ExportTx will move the UTXO from the source chain to atomic memory, and an independent ImportTx will move the UTXO from atomic memory to the destination chain. In ExportTx, the UTXOs getting credited to the owner in atomic memory are labeled as CREDIT_ATOMIC, and in ImportTx, the UTXOs getting debited from the owner in atomic memory are labeled as DEBIT_ATOMIC.

Column Descriptions

ChainNamePrimary network’s chain name on which the transaction happened.
TxHashTransaction hash for the transaction where the funds got transferred. For RewardValidatorTx, TxHash indicates the corresponding staking tx, instead of RewardTxHash.
UtxoIDOutput ID for uniquely identifying transfers that happened within the same transaction.
TxTypeTx type includes all supported transactions.
OwnersComma-separated address owners of this output
TimestampTimestamp of the transaction with TxHash. For RewardValidatorTx, it will be RewardTxHash’s timestamp.
TransferTypeSee the info about the Primary Network Fund Transfer Type above.
AmountThe amount held by the input or output in the respective asset (like AVAX). We divide the amount by 10^Denomination to make it more readable.
AssetPriceInUSDPrice of the asset transferred at a timestamp relevant to the context. For example, for staking transactions, the price will be the staking start time, and for reward, the price will be of reward tx timestamp.
AssetAmountInUSDAmount * PriceInUSD
AssetSymbolAsset symbol of SECP256K1 or NFT type asset created on X-Chain.
AssetIDAsset ID of SECP256K1 or NFT type asset created on X-Chain.
TxHashTransaction hash for the transaction where the funds got transferred. For RewardValidatorTx, TxHash indicates the corresponding staking tx, instead of RewardTxHash.
UtxoIDOutput ID for uniquely identifying transfers that happened within the same transaction.
TxTypeTx type includes - AddValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessDelegatorTx, and RewardValidatorTx.
OwnersComma-separated address owners of this output
TimestampTimestamp of the transaction with TxHash. For RewardValidatorTx, it will be RewardTxHash’s timestamp.
TransferTypeSee the info about the Primary Network Fund Transfer Type above.
AmountThe amount held by the input or output in the respective asset (like AVAX). We divide the amount by 10^Denomination to make it more readable.
AssetPriceInUSDPrice of the asset transferred at a timestamp relevant to the context. For example, for staking transactions, the price will be the staking start time, and for reward, the price will be of reward tx timestamp.
AssetAmountInUSDAmount * PriceInUSD
AssetSymbolAsset symbol of SECP256K1 or NFT type asset created on X-Chain.
AssetIDAsset ID of SECP256K1 or NFT type asset created on X-Chain.
RewardTxHashTransaction hash for the RewardValidatorTx. Empty for all transactions other than RewardValidatorTx.
StakingDurationDuration of stake.
StakingStartTimeStart time at which staking started.
StakingEndTimeEnd time at which staking ends.
NodeIDNodeID of the validator.
SubnetIDSubnet ID of the subnet or primary network (empty) on which validators are added.